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Liberty Ballot 2014 Republican Primary Results

October 26, 2014 made recommendations in 136 contested 2014 New Hampshire Republican Primary races. The recommended candidates won 61% of the time. For state legislative races, the recommended candidates won 66% of the time. In two counties, all of the recommended candidates for the State House won. In two counties, all of the recommended candidates for county office won.

Here is the breakdown:

State legislative races 77- 117 66%

State House 71-107 66%

State Senate 6-10 60%

County office 5-14 36%

Executive Council 2-2 100%

US House 0-2 0% (both 3rd out of 4 candidates)

US Senate 0-0 (The FAQ suggested candidates were 2nd and 3rd out of 10)

Governor 0-1 0% (2nd out of 4)

It is worth noting that in some races, both the winning and losing candidates qualified to be recommended. That means the amount of good candidates that won is even better than the above analysis shows.

What is Liberty Ballot? This is the answer to that question, answered in the Liberty Ballot FAQ.
On the night before the New Hampshire election, many voters in New Hampshire will be asking the same question: of the hundreds of candidates on the ballot, who will reduce the size of government? We know that this question might be asked when it’s too late to research the candidates – so we’ve done the research for you.

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